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EPTE 2020 Asia International Electronic Commerce Packaging Technology Exhibition

With the rapid development of the e-commerce industry and increasing online sales, the e-commerce market's demand for intelligent packaging and logistics technology is more urgent. EPTE2020 Asia International E-Commerce Packaging Technology Exhibition focuses on e-commerce packaging automation, takeout catering packaging, online goods packaging materials, green environmental protection packaging, fresh cold chain packaging, Internet of Things intelligent packaging, product tracking solutions, personalized packaging, etc. Since its establishment, EPTE2020 E-Commerce Packaging Exhibition has been successfully held six times with the Shanghai International Transportation Packaging Exhibition. Now it has developed into an industry brand event widely recognized and well-known in the e-commerce packaging industry.

Contact Us

Contact: Jason

Phone: 86-18753608328

Tel: 86-18753608328

Add: No4750 Dongfeng West Street,Weicheng District,Weifang,Shandong China

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