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7 minutes to learn the history of packaging

Like the history of human development, packaging has also experienced a long process of development. From the beginning of the function conducive to carrying, slowly evolved into today's collection of display, carrying, publicity in one of the modern packaging, which has experienced a long time of evolution.

From a big point of view, all the things used to package goods can be called packaging. From a small point of view, the packaging used for circulation goods is called packaging. What changes did the packaging go through in the five thousand years of change in China?

In primitive society because people for production skills to master degree is extremely low, the packaging of all comes from the natural rough machining, such as the primitive society in order to protect the sew spicule and specially selected hollow tube, for the convenience of carrying and adopt the arrogance of natural rattan, leaves, and for the convenience of the gourd ladle, and added to the water in all the packaging of this phase is mainly natural packaging can be said to be from nature.

Because of its simple packaging and easy materials, it is still widely used in many places, such as the zongzi we eat during the Dragon Boat Festival. The outer leaves are the embodiment of this packaging in modern society.

The inventions of the ancient ancestors have continued to this day

The Dragon Boat Festival leaves are the beginning of packaging

Bamboo tube was also an important packaging in ancient times

Shell oil in shells is still inherited from ancient times

Due to the late neolithic age, human productivity has been greatly developed, emerged during this period of clay firing ceramics art, this way of simple and easy to manufacture, making the original rely on natural mode to the beginning of self-sufficiency, packaging obtained very big development, at the same time as a result of the dye preliminary findings, on the pottery with initial aesthetic design. The representative of this period is compared with the thatch and vine as raw materials for finishing all kinds of rope packaging, clay as raw materials for processing pottery.

We still see a lot of realistic examples, such as bowls bound with twine, various kinds of ancient twine packaging,

Use of natural materials to finish the rope packaging

Neolithic pottery, packaging design has a prototype

In the late neolithic, due to the emergence of social division of labor, the development of metallurgical technology and the emergence of businessmen, and bronze on the stage, the most representative of this age is the pot of meat and drinking of wine, at the same time due to the emergence of the businessman, then appeared in the true sense of the packaging, childhood story: "choose the wrong thing" is the best proof of that era packaging. Casket is the story of the casket because of the appearance of bronze weapons some simple lacquerware has been produced.

Technological developments brought bronzes and lacquerware to the stage

Was invented by CAI lun in eastern han dynasty, papermaking, allow later generations to shine in the paper packaging materials for the first time appeared in front of the world, plus iron smelting technology mature, so a variety of nature as the raw material of finishing packaging, such as the use of bamboo as raw material to produce all kinds of bamboo basket, because this kind of packing have a certain skill, there have been a professional model, bamboo artisan, MieJiang ancestors appeared in this period, which also contains a lot of paper, that paper is mainly used as a convenient from the point of view of application, such as charge of paper, paper bag of meat, We often see these in TV series.

Until now we can see some representative products of this industry, home used for many years of bamboo baskets, wooden barrels. Can be viewed as the developmental product of this stage.

Many of today's bamboo products are based on previous developments

Some simple ancient tea cake, Chinese herbal medicine packaging

Silkworms were raised in China long before silk was made, so silk and satin were commonly used as packaging materials before paper making and became popular among the aristocrats in ancient times. At the same time, some valuable jewelry and jade articles became the favorites of the aristocrats due to their rarity. At the same time, the development of iron making technology also promoted the development of iron ware. Due to the scarcity of ancient times, the price of silk and satin was very low until modern times, but it was still a symbol of high grade in the packaging industry.

Some representative products

Later, due to the relationship between social productivity, products are in short supply, all the packaging is actually the goods to hold things, there is no sign of modernization in the strict sense.

Until the British industrial revolution, machine to replace people have become the main force of production, products are great enough, so the packaging first mounted the stage of history, as a propaganda and technology constantly change, printing technology leap, as the packing finally get rid of the subordinate status of the past, turn to do the master, formally entered the stage of modern society, and because China feudal society's retreat policy, it was not until the period of the republic of China packaging development, far behind the foreign countries, but after so many years of development, the development of packaging industry has made great, no matter from design to production has formed its own unique culture.

Various kinds of packing in modern China

As a product of social development, packaging can more and more influence people's buying behavior. Modern society is a society of advertising. A good packaging can make your products more convincing.

It remains to be seen whether there will be more diverse developments in packaging in the future

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